89 GK Most Important Question

Lesson 24/27 | Study Time: 30 Min
89 GK Most Important Question

1.   Que: At
what temperature the density of water is maximum?

Ans: 4
°C (39 °F)


2.   Que: On
what factors does inertia of the body depend?

Ans: Its


3.   Que: Using
which method, the purity of the metal is determined?

Ans: Archimedes


4.   Que: Which
instrument is used to study the behaviour of vibrating string?

Ans: Sonometer


5.   Que: To
measure the wavelength of X-rays which device is used?

Ans: Bragg


6.   Que: Law
of inertia is also known as?

Ans: Newton's
first law


7.   Que: Is
atmospheric humidity measured by?

Ans: Hygrometer


8.   Que: What
is the measuring unit for Intensity of Light?

Ans: Lumens
Per Square Meter or LUX.


9.   Que: Is
heat converted into Electric Energy by?

Ans: Thermoelectric


10.       Que: Change
in frequency or wavelength of a wave for an observer who is moving relative to
the wave source is called?

Ans: Doppler’s


11.       Que: What
does SONAR stand for?

Ans: Sound
Navigation and Ranging


12.       Que: What
are the outer of the human ear is called?

Ans: Pinna


13.       Que: The
branch of physics which deals with the study of the relation of heat energy
with different types of energy is called?

Ans: Thermodynamics.


14.       Que: Cloudy
nights are warmer than clear nights, why?

Ans: Clouds
reflect the radiations emitted by the earth at night and keep it warm.


15.       Que: What
is Fluid Density?

Ans: The
ratio of mass to the volume of a body.


16.       Que: The
intermolecular force of attraction acting between the molecules of the same
substance is called?

Ans: Cohesive


17.       Que: Venturi
tube and aspirator pump work on which theorem?

Ans: Bernoulli’s


18.       Que: In
Ohm’s Law I=V/R; what is R?

Ans: The
resistance of the resistor


19.       Que: Magnetic
Compass always direct in which direction?

Ans: North-South
(N-S) direction.


20.       Que: The
escape velocity of Earth is?

Ans: 11.2


21.       Que: The
fuel used in rockets is called?

Ans: Rocket


22.       Que: What

Ans: Glycerol,
a trihydric alcohol


23.       Que: Why
is Chloroform stored in closed dark coloured bottles completely filled?

Ans: Because
it is oxidized by air in the presence of sunlight to an extremely poisonous gas


24.       Que: What
is the reason behind Acid Rain?

Ans: The
presence of oxides of nitrogen and Sulphur in the air.


25.       Que: The
process “Vulcanization of rubber” is processed at what temperature?

Ans: 373
K to 415 K


26.       Que: Which
glasses are used for making lenses for spectacles?

Ans: Crookes


27.       Que: What
is the chemical formula for Plaster of Paris?

Ans: CaSO4.


28.       Que: What
is sodium hydrogen carbonate?

Ans: Baking


29.       Que: What
is Universal Solvent?

Ans: Water


30.       Que: What
is the Ph level of Blood?

Ans: 7.4


31.       Que: Which
blood group is a universal donor?

Ans: O


32.       Que: Which
body part is affected by the disease “Arthritis”?

Ans: Joints


33.       Que: Diphtheria
is caused by which bacteria?

Ans: Corynebacterium


34.       Que: Which
is the largest and strongest Bone in the body?

Ans: Femur
(thigh bone)


35.       Que: Which
is the thinnest Skin in our body?

Ans: Eyelid


36.       Que: Warm
blooded animals with four chambered hearts are called?

Ans: Mammalia


37.       Que: What
is the chemical name of Vitamin B12?

Ans: Cyanocobalamin


38.       Que: Which
is the major site for digestion and absorption of nutrients in our body?

Ans: Small


39.       Que: What
are the Stages in the Digestive Process?

Ans: Movement-Secretion-Digestion-Absorption-Elimination


40.       Que: The
outermost wall layer of our heart is called?

Ans: Epicardium


41.       Que: Which
is the largest and main thinking part of the brain?

Ans: Forebrain


42.       Que: Is
cell nucleus also called as?

Ans: Brain
of the cell


43.       Que: Which
is the Smallest human cell?

Ans: Red
Blood Bell (RBC)


44.       Que: Is
insulin hormone produced by?

Ans: Pancreas


45.       Que: Constituent
Assembly in 1946 was set up under which plan?

Ans: Cabinet
mission plan


46.       Que: Directive
Principles of State Policy are borrowed from which Constitution?

Ans: Irish


47.       Que: The
Scheduled and Tribal Areas are described under which articles?

Ans: Article
244 to 244A


48.       Que: “Right
to Property” was deleted under which constitutional amendments?

Ans: 44th
Constitutional Amendment Act, 1978


49.       Que: Who
is the executive head of the Republic?

Ans: President


50.       Que: What
is the tenure of the Lok Sabha?

Ans: 5


51.       Que: President’s
Rule is levied under which article?

Ans: Article


52.       Que: Where
do the receipts received, loans raised & the income of the Govt. of India
are deposited?

Ans: Parliamentary


53.       Que: Who
is the first legal officer of the Government of India?

Ans: Attorney
General of India


54.       Que: Name
the only state in the Indian Union which has its own separate Constitution?

Ans: Jammu
& Kashmir




55.       Que: Who
discovered the New Sea Route “the Cape route” (Europe to India)?

Ans: Vasco
da Gama


56.       Que: Which
treaty was signed by Haider Ali & the allies consisting of the Company, the
Raja of Tanjore, & the Malabar ruler?

Ans: Treaty
of Madras


57.       Que: Which
Indian city was renamed Alinagar after its capture by Siraj-ud-Daula?

Ans: Calcutta


58.       Que: First
War of Indian Independence was marked by which incident?

Ans: Mangal
Pandey’s involvement in an attack on his senior British officers on 29th March
1857 at Barrackpore.


59.       Que: Who
was First Governor General of India by Government of India Act 1833?

Ans: Lord
William Bentinck (1828-1835)


60.       Que: Who
formed the Indian National Congress?

Ans: A.O.Hume
in 1885


61.       Que: Rabindranath
Tagore returned his Knighthood (title) in protest of which incident?

Ans: Jallianwala
Bagh Massacre (April 13, 1919)


62.       Que: The
boycott of government affiliated educational institutions was the part of which

Ans: Noncooperation
movement (1920-22)


63.       Que: Which
dynasty ruled over Tamil Nadu & parts of Karnataka?

Ans: Chola


64.       Que: What
was the time period for the Tughlaq Dynasty?

Ans: 1320-1414


65.       Que: Who
was known as “But-Shikan” (destroyer of the image)?

Ans: Mahmud
of Ghazni


66.       Que: Who
was the ‘first & only Muslim lady who ever ruled India’?

Ans: Razia


67.       Que: Who
founded the Khilji dynasty?

Ans: Jalaluddin


68.       Que: Who
founded the Mughal rule in India?

Ans: Babur


69.       Que: Who
introduced Din-i-Ilahi?

Ans: Akbar


70.       Que: The Battle
of Haldighati was fought between?

Ans: Maharana
Pratap and Akbar


71.       Que: How
was trade carried under Indus Valley Civilization?

Ans: Through
Barter System


72.       Que: Who
founded Jainism in India?

Ans: Rishabhanath


Que: Which
is the brightest star after Sun?

Ans: Sirius


74.       Que: Which
planet is called as “Earth's Twin”?

Ans: Venus


75.       Que: Imaginary
lines drawn parallel to the equator are called?

Ans: Earth


76.       Que: Where
is Indian Standard Time fixed?

Ans: On
the mean of 82 1/2°E Meridian, a place near Allahabad.


77.       Que: What
happens when travelers cross the Date Line from west to east?

Ans: They
repeat a day


78.       Que: Summer
Solstice comes on which date?

Ans: 21st


79.       Que: The
farthest position of earth from the Sun is called?

Ans: Aphelion


80.       Que: Change
in the direction of wind & ocean currents is a result of?

Ans: Earth’s


81.       Que: Volcanoes
which erupt periodically are called?

Ans: Active


82.       Que: Himalaya
Mountains are which type of mountains?

Ans: Fold


83.       Que: Which
is the lowest layer of the atmosphere?

Ans: Troposphere


84.       Que: Winds
blowing from the Subtropical High-Pressure Belt towards the Equatorial Low-Pressure
Belt are called as?

Ans: Trade


85.       Que: Cyclonic
storms that develop over the warm oceans of the tropics are called?

Ans: Tropical


86.       Que: Which
is the lowest point of the Indian Ocean?

Ans: Java


87.       Que: What
is the total coastline of India?

Ans: 7516


88.       Que: What
is the length of the Ganga River System?

Ans: 2525


89.       Que: Which
is most suited soil for irrigation & can produce bumper crops of rice,
wheat, maize, sugarcane, tobacco, cotton, jute, oilseeds, etc.?

Ans: Alluvial


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